Thanks for Taking ACTION during OCW2022!
Saturday 3/5 – “I Care” Day
Friday 3/4 – Expand Access to Care

Video: Treat and Reduce Obesity Act
A discussion about the hurdles and opportunities of expanding access to care through TROA.
Featuring: U.S. Senator Dr. Bill Cassidy, MD; U.S. Congressman Dr. Raul Ruiz, MD
Moderator: Joe Nadglowski (Obesity Action Coalition)
Thursday 3/3 – Increase Prevention Education and Programs
Prevention requires seeking, testing, and implementing strategies that will have a measurable impact on the rising prevalence of obesity. Obesity prevention programs must have the same scientific rigor applied to any other disease prevention program resulting in a positive effect on the health of the population.

Wednesday 3/2 – Now is the Time to Stop Weight Bias!

Video: Weight Bias
Weight Bias: An in-depth look at the impact of bias and how to combat it.
Featuring: Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA (ConscienHealth); Rebecca Puhl, PhD
Moderator: James Zervios (Obesity Action Coalition)
Tuesday 3/1 – Find a Physician Who Specializes in the Treatment of Obesity

Video: Obesity Treatment
Today we are discussing obesity treatment: Where are we today? What does the future look like?
Featuring: Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, MBA
Moderator: James Zervios, Obesity Action Coalition
Monday 2/28 – Recognize Obesity as a Serious and Complex Disease

Video: Roundtable Discussion on Obesity
An insightful discussion with leaders from the premier obesity organizations throughout the U.S.
Moderator: Joe Nadglowski, (Obesity Action Coalition)
Featuring: Daniel Bessesen, MD (The Obesity Society); William Dietz, MD, PhD (STOP Obesity Alliance); Teresa LaMasters, MD, FACS, DABOM, FASMBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery); Ethan Lazarus, MD, FOMA (Obesity Medicine Association); Patty Nece, JD. (Obesity Action Coalition)